Am I Going To Heaven?         
     What We Believe
Schedule & Ministries
Contact & Directions

Meteor Hills Bible Church
"Holding Forth The Word Of Life"
Services and Ministries Schedule 

Sunday Morning Service 11:00 A.M.
Sunday School for all ages -  11:00 A.M.

Wednesday Night Bible Study and Prayer -  7:00 P.M.

Youth Group - ​ Ages 11 - teens. Sundays @ 6:00 P.M.
                             Questions- Contact Jesse Miller

If you need information concerning any of the events on this page, please feel free to call Pastor Al @715-919-0103

Upcoming Events

Thanksgiving Fellowship Dinner-
   We will be enjoying a special Fellowship Dinner on Sunday November 17th. after the morning service. Please join us for a special time of fellowship and thanksgiving!

MHBC Sunday School Christmas Program-
"In The Fullness Of Time"will be presented on Sunday December 15th @ 6:30 by the MHBC Sunday School children. Please join us for an uplifting time celebrating the coming of our Savior!

New Membership Class-
We will be having a class for new attendees who are interested in learning more about MHBC. We will be learning what the Bible says about the Local Church: its purpose and its membership; and about MHBC's mission and beliefs.
This class will be held at 10:00 a.m. for 4-6 weeks beginning on Jan 5th 2025. Child care will be provided. Anyone is welcome to attend.

Men's and Ladies Retreat-
Both Men's and Ladies retreats are in the works for 2025. Please plan to attend and enjoy some encouraging fellowship together.Details will follow as soon as plans are finalized.

2025 Vacation Bible School
Save the date - VBS will be held June 9th-13th  next summer for ages 4-teens. It is always a fun and profitable week as the children learn of the Lord Jesus - their Savior and Friend. All children are welcome!